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Копал тут форум и наткнулся на такую вот темку !!!
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У меня Lilliput EBY701-NP/C/T. По автоматическому включению нашёл Вот:

Кратко: С пульта ДУ, при включенном VGA режиме и подключенном компе (зачем-то ), набираем МЕДЛЕННО цифры 588998. Появляется меню "--- - - - -".
Вводим "1270110", где выделенная единица и есть тот самый режим Auto Power On.Удачи!

Lilliput Programming Guide, More Reset Codes

Ok, here is some more secrets for you Lilliput users that allow you to alter the operation of your monitor by entering a few simple codes. For those of you who didn't see my previous Thread regarding Auto Powering Up Your Lilliput Programming Guide check it out here http://www.mp3car.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=49378

Note, I suggest you try entering the Auto Power On Code before trying these advanced codes, it may seem confusing by looking at the ones below. These codes work on the newer lilliputs for sure but it has been said that they work on the older models as well.
Anyhow, heres the good stuff...

Here is what the following Codes do:

1. Allow you to Change default Language
2. Change Power Setting to Auto Power On, or other modes
3. Have sound in VGA Mode

Take your time when doing this, if you have problems pulling up the factory settings menu as directed below "--------". Try this solution Read Thread

Here is the resetting detail:

In VGA Mode with your PC turned on (Recommended)
a, Dial 588998 on your remote control then you will enter factory setting mode: which shows "--------".
b, in factory setting mode, press any numeric button, will save the setting.
c, introduction of setting(total 5 points):
(c1), the first 3 blanks will set the factory language mode. English=1, Spanish=2, French=4, German=8, Italian=16, Chinese=32, Japanese=64. For example, if you want to set English, Chinese and Japanese as factory language mode, please fill in the blank as English+Chinese+Japanese=1+32+64=97, so you input 097 in first 3 blanks.
(c2), The forth blank is default language setting: English=0, Spanish=1, French=2, German=3, Italian=4, Chinese=5, Japanese=6
(c3), The fifth blank is setting the startup mode which we are talking about, the above 3 modes respectively responses to the following 3 numbers:
0: Start with Power-off mode when power is connected.
1: Start with Auto Power-on and standby mode when power is connected.
2: Start with same mode as the mode before power is disconnected.
(c4), The sixth blank is sound setting of VGA mode (requested):
0: without sound
1: with sound
(c5), The seventh blank is sound setting of TV function:
0: without TV input
1: with TV input

Note: the C5 point only has effect on NW618TVT (http://www.newision.com/nw619vt.htm), a TV version.

So for example one would enter "0970110"

Which gives them

English, Chinese and Japanese as factory languages 097
English Is Default 0
Auto Power-On 1
Sound In VGA On 1
Without TV Input 0

Which comes out to "0970110"

For those of you looking for a code for auto-switching to AV1, sorry there isn't one. On the NW618TVT model, it has an cable connecting to the car reverse gear +12V. When the car goes in reverse, the reverse gear give an signal to NW618TVT, and then it can switch to AV1 (connecting to the rear view camera)

If it works on your Lilliput please leave a post and let us know which model you have. If possible include Model # and Screen Size
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