Тема: Garmin Mobile PC
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Старый 08.01.2009, 10:22   #140
Регистрация: 23.12.2007
Возраст: 52
Город: Новосибирск
Регион: 54
Машина: ВАЗ 21213
Сообщений: 80
audiomonster is on a distinguished road
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Сообщение от Pinin Посмотреть сообщение
нтересно - заехал я, скажем, на подземную парковку (т.е. сигналов со спутников нет). Все работающие у меня нави-проги кажуть в этом случае место последнего позиционирования. А сабж чего, будет в этом случае в европы отправлять?...
После подключения ГПС будет показывать последние зафиксированные координаты
Change History
Changes made from version 5.00.50 to 5.00.60:

* Provide highlight on the first item in the address list by default when using address wizard.
* Add new saved location to recently found list after edits are completed.
* Correct intersection search capability.
* Correct safety camera capability.
* Correct various software errors that could cause application to shutdown.
* Correct route overview fields after adding via points.

Changes made from version 5.00.30 to 5.00.50:

* Update GPS connection processing for some third party GPS drivers.
* Update COM port searches and display listings.
* Correct the display of the last selection in Fuel Prices if viewed after a Sort is completed.
* Correct the product key entry processing when not connected to the Internet.
* Correct default button highlighting when viewing nearby airports and Contacts.
* Correct default button highlighting when paging up/down on some list fields.
* Correct default button highlighting within address wizard.
* Correct distance display for airports that are thousands of miles away.
* Correct reorder via page to display numbers correctly.
* Correct application error when displaying detour by turns page before having a GPS position.
* Correct default button highlighting when returning to the Main Menu page.
* Correct application error when selecting point information in the Browse Map page.
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