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Старый 02.03.2009, 20:41   #161
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Регистрация: 08.10.2008
Возраст: 57
Город: Италия
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Сообщений: 2
Роббы-БМВ is on a distinguished road
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Сообщение от novorado Посмотреть сообщение
Well I do not know if you are Robby or some local dude is making fun of poor me . How your vacation was? If it sells okay I would certainly like to donate a few bucks for you to keep generating great ideas.

AND, Robby

Yes, It's me! The unique and original Robby BMW
Don't worry, you do not need to make donations, I wrote just because I really wanted to compliment you for the excellent work you are doing, and to see if I still remember a little of Russian
My vacation was very nice, thank you for asking, I love that small Caribbean island called Dominican Republic ...the bad was having to return to Italy.

Прошу прощения у всего форума, если я еще раз написал на Английский, но мой русский язык очень ограниченном.
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