Сообщение от Роббы-БМВ
Yes, It's me! The unique and original Robby BMW 
Don't worry, you do not need to make donations, I wrote just because I really wanted to compliment you for the excellent work you are doing, and to see if I still remember a little of Russian 
My vacation was very nice, thank you for asking, I love that small Caribbean island called Dominican Republic  ...the bad was having to return to Italy.
Прошу прощения у всего форума, если я еще раз написал на Английский, но мой русский язык очень ограниченном.
Robby, feel free to speak English. Most of the people in this forum use it in their jobs on daily basis. That is a modern world, what can we say.
Italy with it's Rome, history, Venice and Adriatics looks like a heaven for some of us here in snowy icy Russia. I am doing Porec (di Porenzo) in the summer time with my family.Sorry for off-top.