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Старый 31.03.2009, 20:32   #5
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Front Panel I/O Connectivity Design Guide
Motherboards that have the foot print for a front panel header, but depopulate the front panel
audio header must have 0 ohm resistors as options to connect the FP_OUT and FP_RETURN
signals. These resistors must be installed when the header is depopulated to insure audio is routed
to the back panel.
2.3.5 Intel® High Definition Audio
The Intel® High Definition Audio (Intel® HD Audio) analog front panel header design lets OEMs
and integrators place audio functionality on the front panel of a PC system via a cabled up front
panel dongle. Intel® HD Audio analog front panel dongles can support up to two analog audio
jacks, each of which signals user connection, or disconnection, to the operating system via the
SENSE_SEND signal. The signals for this header are defined in Table 7 and the physical header
pinout is shown in Figure 4.

Table 7. Intel® HD Audio Front Panel Analog Header Signal Names
Pin Signal Name Description
1 PORT 1L Analog Port 1 - Left channel (Microphone)
2 GND Ground
3 PORT 1R Analog Port 1 - Right channel (Microphone)
4 PRESENCE# Active low signal that signals BIOS that an Intel® HD Audio dongle is connected
to the analog header. PRESENCE# = 0 when an Intel® HD Audio dongle is
5 PORT 2R Analog Port 2 - Right channel (Headphone)
6 SENSE1_RETURN Jack detection return for front panel (JACK1)
7 SENSE_SEND Jack detection sense line from the Intel® HD Audio CODEC jack detection
resistor network
8 KEY Connector Key
9 PORT 2L Analog Port 2 - Left channel (Headphone)
10 SENSE2_RETURN Jack detection return for front panel (JACK2)
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монитор- LILLIPUT 701 7"; мамка - Intel® D945GCLF CPU intel ATOM 1.6; БП - E-10000; HDD - Seagate 2.5 60 GB; ST980811AS 8MB 5400rpm ; память - 2 gb; корпус 2 din собственной конструкции
звук TDA8571J. TV-FM тюнер -AVerTV Hybrid+FM Volar (A828) модем - ZTE8700 3G GPS -BU-353 OBD-II -ELM327
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