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Старый 18.05.2008, 16:22   #81
Старший Пользователь
Регистрация: 15.02.2008
Возраст: 54
Город: Санкт-Петербург
Регион: 78, 98
Машина: Mazda3
Сообщений: 165
GOOSE is on a distinguished road
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ЦФ устанавливается "по-взрослому" Пишет себя во много мест.
Воспользуйся для полного удаления либо специальным деинсталлером, либо поиском пройлись по всему диску...
GOOSE вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 20.05.2008, 19:52   #82
Старший Пользователь
Аватар для andrey
Регистрация: 09.01.2006
Возраст: 45
Город: Москва
Регион: 50, 90, 150
Машина: Toyota Windom/Nissan Skyline V35
Сообщений: 145
andrey is on a distinguished road
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Сообщение от MiD_E34 Посмотреть сообщение
ну не знаю, ребята.... а мне вот что-то не хочется новую CF ковырять раз нету волшебных слов к ней. Но за темой стараюсь следить
+1, интересно чем вся это комедия закончится..
Core 2 Duo 1.6Mhz, Kingston DDR2 -1GB, Hitachi 250GB SATA 2.5", Silabs FM USB, Skylink, Creative X-FI PCI, Crunch 900W, Blaupunkt 350W, Mystery 10" (subwoofer), GPS-USB Globalsat, Prology PCM700, M3ATX, Centrafuse
andrey вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 21.05.2008, 01:51   #83
Старший Пользователь
Регистрация: 15.02.2008
Возраст: 54
Город: Санкт-Петербург
Регион: 78, 98
Машина: Mazda3
Сообщений: 165
GOOSE is on a distinguished road
По умолчанию

Проверил, нифига счетчик не обнуляется...
Так что же делает этот "ресет лайшенз" я так и не понял...
GOOSE вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 21.05.2008, 03:44   #84
Регистрация: 09.05.2008
Возраст: 49
Город: Сахалин
Регион: 65
Машина: Toyota-Prado 2003
Сообщений: 27
Maksimka is on a distinguished road
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У меня обнулился )
Maksimka вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 21.05.2008, 17:38   #85
Новый Пользователь
Регистрация: 11.04.2008
Возраст: 50
Город: Солигорск
Регион: Беларусь
Машина: 2000\опель\омега
Сообщений: 11
OLEGAS is on a distinguished road
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ребята подскажите как добавлять карты для GPS
OLEGAS вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 21.05.2008, 18:29   #86
Старший Пользователь
Аватар для RGrin
Регистрация: 17.01.2007
Регион: 77, 97, 99, 177
Сообщений: 355
RGrin will become famous soon enough
По умолчанию

Просто кидаешь папку с картой в папку с СF и все.
RGrin вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 22.05.2008, 12:01   #87
Новый Пользователь
Регистрация: 11.04.2008
Возраст: 50
Город: Солигорск
Регион: Беларусь
Машина: 2000\опель\омега
Сообщений: 11
OLEGAS is on a distinguished road
По умолчанию

спасибо понял
OLEGAS вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 23.05.2008, 00:31   #88
Старший Пользователь
Аватар для jam!
Регистрация: 15.09.2007
Возраст: 43
Город: Видное, М.О.
Регион: 50, 90, 150
Машина: 2006\Ford\Mondeo
Сообщений: 352
jam! is on a distinguished road
По умолчанию

RC3 сегодня вышел уже



* This version is a 3rd release candidate, and contains many bug fixes, but it is still not considered a completely stable release. It should be expected that there will be issues surfacing on various systems. With the help of users, we will be working to resolve these issues quickly and hope to be able to provide updates weekly or bi-weekly.

* This version includes a Bluetooth Stack, and it is recommended/required that you remove all other bluetooth stacks/software/drivers from Windows before installing Centrafuse (if you will be using Centrafuse Phone feature). As with most driver installs for a USB device, your USB bluetooth dongle should NOT be inserted before CF Bluetooth is installed. So, remove your bt hardware, uninstall any existing bt drivers/stacks, install CF, then re-insert your bt hardware.

* The Bluetooth stack provided with the 2.0 RC's is a trial version and currently has a 5 MB transfer limit. If after a few phone calls the Bluetooth stops working, you will need to restart your PC to re-initialize the Bluetooth driver. This is only a limitation of the BlueSoleil trial edition within this Release Candidate and will not have this limitation when officially released.

* All 3rd-party plugins used with CF 1.47 and earlier should reference the new cfplugin.dll and be recompiled under .NET 2.0

* Settings in 2.0 are now defaulted to show the Basic Settings mode. Advanced Settings can be enabled in 2 ways.
To enable Advanced Settings temporarily, hold down the "+" button in the Main Settings Screen for 6 seconds.
To permanently enable Advanced Settings, similar to older version of CF, pass the -advsettings command line option when starting Centrafuse.

* Each settings group that used to hold a Line-In value and had Buffer functionality will now hold a Record-Line-In value and a Playback-Line-In value, which will work with Buffer On, and Buffer Off, respectively.

* Basic Event Logging has been added to better help us diagnose user issues. Event Logging can be enabled in General Settings (an advanced setting), or can be enabled by passing the -logevents command line option when starting Centrafuse. Function specific logs are also created for things like OBDII, Phone, and SatelliteRadio, these can all be enabled within their respective settings screens. New in 2.0 RC2, you can "Create System Report" from Settings that will package up all these log files for you.

* Some tips to follow on pairing your phone if things are not seeming to work for you:
1. Delete the pairings from both your phone and Centrafuse (in CF just go into phone settings / device list and click the '-' button.
2. Give your phone a power cycle, and give Centrafuse an exit and a restart.
3. Re-pair your phone and CF, try initiating the pair from your phone, not from Centrafuse. Or on another try, initiate the pair from Centrafuse, but type in incorrect pincodes the 1st time to make pairing fail. Then click 'PAIR' button again, and go ahead and type in matching pincodes to create pair.
4. Save out of settings. See if this makes any difference.

* Touchscreen friendly zoom buttons for Navigation
* Speaker Balance uses Windows mixer
* Soft off and soft on volume when making / receiving / finishing phone calls
* SDK method for dialing phone numbers
* Settings screen for setting up Gestures and viewing Gestures map
* Shuffle icon works as well as text in media screen to turn random on/off
* Auto reset bluetooth stack when critical stack errors occur
* Mixer Levels button shows number of devices using superscript text
* Display "Display Off" when holding down dim button to turn screen off
* Setup skins for Aura now display disabled buttons instead of nothing
* Volume that is adjusted to during phone call is saved, restored on all future calls
* Uninstaller prompts to delete settings

* Mute button bug - should create a drastic reduction in CPU usage for ALL users
* Fixed phone related crash when suspend/resume and/or exit cf
* Crossfading increases CPU usage each time track changes
* In fullscreen mode in high resolutions, CPU usage hits 100%
* 1st pairing attempt with phone fails, 2nd one succeeds
* Phone settings editable on CF firstrun
* many users cannot open the phone settings at all
* DVD out of standby, does not resume playback
* Aura Skin - Screen Buttons Offset
* Pause DVD, then resume restarts the whole dvd to the dvd menu
* Infill bug, listening to radio, then go into infill radio stops working
* Settings cancel, createFolder, plusminus not working
* Getting started - playing media.wmv does not play
* Balance still does not work
* Uninstall does not set shell back to explorer
* Phone connection issues when changing phone settings and pairing new device
* When exit from Centrafuse they DIM my screen
* Open an external app but dont embed it the auto mute will not work
* Password text is visible in remote settings
* Full screen vis are on when suspend/resume screen gets painted over it
* GSM battery icon is showed above the Wifi Icon
* CF crashes when downloading music into media dir
* Holding down shift in OSK makes buttons go crazy
* New Mixer not working, phantom sliders, volume and balance switched
* Ejecting playlists fast causes CF to crash
* Download in My Account Invalid Key
* XLE maps are not staying after RC2 install (new map installers coming soon)
* when you restart it doesnt restart music playlists
* Adjusting balance in Win mixer causes CF volume change
* Nav comport/baud not saving correctly
* Video and Picture thumbnails not loading
* Tuning or seeking in radio does not stop a current scan
* Metric units not working in weather
* Dialup settings / phone # not saving properly
* Previous Track voice command does not work
* Changing station with buffer on doesnt completely clear buffer

* Faster map refresh rate, much smoother
* TMC (in Beta, requires D6 supported receivers)
* Touchscreen friendly map menu when touching the map
* Added "add to favorite" to touchscreen friendly map menu when touching map, auto loads to add favorite to specific folder
* Added ability to show favorite folders on the map by using hide/show button in favorites section of navigation, this auto sets up alerts at 500m and then another at 100m

* New option in settings "Create System Report" to package up all CF logs into 1 file, to help in debugging user issues
* Option to save system logs to USB device when created
* Updated Nav engine with 2x faster graphic updates

* Weather Plugin not working
* Volume/Balance issues
* License Reactivation issues
* Radio does not work on resume
* Improper message displayed when BsSDK.dll not found
* Main Title Paint problem
* Mixer sliders going off-screen
* Silabs/Adsinstantfm not functioning whatsoever
* Infill Plugin not working in new 2.0RC1
* Radio settings shows 'Graphics' as the title.
* HD Radio will not initialize
* Missing Translations
* DVD does not work in 2.0
* HD/Pictures switching causes issue in media
* Loading Pictures Single-Click Issue
* Xheo Licensing issues
* Skin always says Aura in settings
* Cant select COM port for HD radio
* Normalization option doesnt save
* Dim settings are not being reset when exiting CF
* Can't make calls from Contacts List
* Cannot set Music Sound Device
* ATT mute not working correctly
* Title scroll options in wrong setup section
* Music will not pause or show in playlist after Artist browse
* CF Shortcut not correct after install
* Bug selecting song in Music then exiting
* Voice Rec does not work when music is pauses
* WiFi setup is missing label for 'Refresh Networks Interval'
* Closing CF when running as shell is not loading Explorer
* Gestures messing up being able to move map around in nav
* Vista icon / start button on Vista doesnt hide with taskbar
* voice command next track doesnt switch the track
* Volume reading not precise on volume popup
* After return from hibernate, radio playback line will not unmute
* Shutdown and Restart options do not work on cf exit
* Phone does not re-connect after standby
* Position text shows -00-01 when CF starts w/o music
* Gestures on visulisations don't work, disable gestures on visuals
* DVD Menu display issue
* XM audio does not unmute after Nav Voice Prompt
* Favorites not being saved
* Graphics resolution text displayed off on screen
* location settings in Weather do not save
* Phone volume way off
* Music resumes after phone call when it shouldn't
* Issue loading and playing videos
* Sirius Channel List will not completely refresh

* Uses .NET 2.0 Framework
* Integrated Phone and Bluetooth stack, more info available soon in Phone sub-forum
* EQ has been updated with common frequencies
* Improved mixer and soundcard control
* Added control to use the mixer with multiple soundcards to control multiple zones from one mixer
* Click Level button in Mixer to list and select sound cards to control
* Volume Control improved for XP and full support for Vista
* Gestures (customizable)
* iPod integration (iTunes NOT required)
* HD Radio Support (using MJS adapter)
* Touch-anywhere to scroll in Web browser
* Double-tap for full screen in Web browser
* Push-to-talk voice recognition
* License key de-activation
* New Settings modes, Basic/Advanced
* Media import when inserting USB stick
* Direct buttons to Music, Videos, and Pictures on Main Screen
* Touch the current playing track to return to Media Player
* Remembers Play/Pause state of media player when exiting
* Basic event logging to help track down specific user issues - defaults to Off
* Smooth Main Title Scrolling - defaults to Off (CPU intensive)
* Enhanced Graphics mode - defaults to Off (slightly CPU intensive)
* Select input soundcard for voice control
* Open email attachments with external applications

* CD and USB playlist counts are off after system resume
* Remembers song list position when scrolling list when song changes
* DVD and/or USB audio stick starts when resuming from standby/hibernation
* Satellite Radio does not resume after hibernation
* Main Title does not update when listening to SatRadio
* Buffer play/pause out of sync with play/pause button
* "MP3" sub-title not displaying
* Playlist last played song not reloading
* SSL sites work in Centrafuse browser
* COM ports not showing up in settings
* Web Browser Loading displays when browser is not visible
* Audio doesn't resume after deleting mail
* Gestures should be adjusted or disabled in the mixer
* Text emails are not displayed properly

ВАЗ 21099i Было c 12.2006 по 10.2010:
\ Mystery 8120S; E-10000; D945GCLF2, Atom330; DDR2 2gb; 120GB WD sata; Wi-Fi; LART USB FM; AnyData ADU-300A SkyLink Internet; Keyboard BTC 9116 Black; IR-Link+JVC RM-RK39; корпус CFI Group CFI-A6719.
\ WinXP ProSP3; Centrafuse 2.1.1331.1;
Сейчас - лучше!
jam! вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 23.05.2008, 04:04   #89
Старший Пользователь
Аватар для RGrin
Регистрация: 17.01.2007
Регион: 77, 97, 99, 177
Сообщений: 355
RGrin will become famous soon enough
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А то с родины пока скачаешь, лицензия закончится
RGrin вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 23.05.2008, 12:42   #90
Регистрация: 14.09.2007
Город: Москва
Регион: 77, 97, 99, 177
Машина: Nissan X-Trail II
Сообщений: 40
RadioGubitel is on a distinguished road
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Поставил себе третий релиз. Сразу исчез глюк с зависанием проги при нажатии любых кнопок в менюшках.
На матери с процом виа 1,2 гига даже не особо и тормозит.

Если кто будет ставить на чистую систему где еще не стояло никакой предыдущей версии, сделайте снимок реестра и папки виндовс. Например прогой регшот.
Это поможет в отыскании волшебного ключика, или хотя бы можно будет легким движением руки откатываться на бесконечный триал.
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