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Старый 05.04.2011, 19:10   #31
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Аватар для pierrotm777
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pierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nice
Smile v1.6

little update.
See, please the first post
pierrotm777 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 02.11.2013, 23:10   #32
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Аватар для Alex_St
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Alex_St is a name known to allAlex_St is a name known to allAlex_St is a name known to allAlex_St is a name known to allAlex_St is a name known to allAlex_St is a name known to all
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Hi pierrotm777,

I have tried to use the SkinToolDS together with iCarDS but some aspects of behavior are strange for me...
- button"close application" is not working. One way I could close the program is to kill it.
- When I close iCarDS - the application restarts it again (unsolicited). As result - I need to kill SkinToolDS before closing iCarDS (((
- If RideRunner is installed on my PC - SkinToolDS starts it when I close iCarDS
- I cannot see values of variables

Is this problem on my side or not? How could I eliminate such problems?
Мой журнал: http://www.pccar.ru/showthread.php?p=79335
Alex_St вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 04.11.2013, 14:53   #33
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Аватар для pierrotm777
Регистрация: 07.11.2010
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Сообщений: 324
pierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nice
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Сообщение от Alex_St Посмотреть сообщение
Hi pierrotm777,

I have tried to use the SkinToolDS together with iCarDS but some aspects of behavior are strange for me...
- button"close application" is not working. One way I could close the program is to kill it.
- When I close iCarDS - the application restarts it again (unsolicited). As result - I need to kill SkinToolDS before closing iCarDS (((
- If RideRunner is installed on my PC - SkinToolDS starts it when I close iCarDS
- I cannot see values of variables

Is this problem on my side or not? How could I eliminate such problems?
I can to see that !!! I have the same issue !!!
pierrotm777 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 03.05.2016, 17:22   #34
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Аватар для pierrotm777
Регистрация: 07.11.2010
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Сообщений: 324
pierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nice
По умолчанию

I have build a new version of SkinToolDS without dll needed for now !
It's written in VB.NET and not AutoIt !

It's not complet as the original RR SkinTool but it run !

Hope you like it !
pierrotm777 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 03.05.2016, 18:36   #35
Старший Пользователь
Аватар для pierrotm777
Регистрация: 07.11.2010
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Сообщений: 324
pierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nice
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Version VB.NET is updated !

see first post please !
pierrotm777 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 18.08.2016, 12:50   #36
Старший Пользователь
Аватар для pierrotm777
Регистрация: 07.11.2010
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Сообщений: 324
pierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nice
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Ne version 1.7 is out !
pierrotm777 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 07.12.2018, 02:21   #37
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championc is on a distinguished road
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Can anyone provide a downlink please ? The link in post #1 is not working :-(
championc вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 07.12.2018, 16:01   #38
Бывалый писикарщик
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seriousstas has a brilliant futureseriousstas has a brilliant futureseriousstas has a brilliant futureseriousstas has a brilliant futureseriousstas has a brilliant futureseriousstas has a brilliant futureseriousstas has a brilliant futureseriousstas has a brilliant futureseriousstas has a brilliant futureseriousstas has a brilliant futureseriousstas has a brilliant future
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Сообщение от championc Посмотреть сообщение
Can anyone provide a downlink please ? The link in post #1 is not working :-(
old v.1.0.0
seriousstas вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

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