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Старый 16.01.2008, 13:46   #1
Аватар для 9922
Регистрация: 23.08.2007
Город: Moskow
Регион: 77, 97, 99, 177
Машина: 2004/Vaz/21099i
Сообщений: 24
9922 is on a distinguished road
По умолчанию Где купить б/п sb-150d или sb-80d.

Где или у кого купить б/п sb-150d или sb-80d.
Предпочтительно в России.

выдержка из описания
The sb-150d is a DC-DC car PC smart power supply specifically for ATX motherboards to be used in an automotive environment. The DC-DC power supply is designed to provide a steady 150 watt output over a variety (6-32v) of input voltages. This gives it the ability to withstand the voltage drop during an engine crank without rebooting the car PC.
The sb-150d's has a built in microcontroller based startup and shutdown controller, that safely monitors and controls the motherboard with smooth startup and shutdown procedures based on ignition status. Just turn on your ignition and your carpc is ready to go. On turning OFF the ignition your carpc can go into shut down, standby or hibernate modes automatically.
The sb-150d also prevents deep discharge situations by constantly monitors your car battery voltage levels, when in sleep mode by automatically shutting down (using its built-in shutdown controller) until the battery reaches safe levels again. The input power is protected against transients, load dumps and double battery during jumpstarts.
It also uses state-of-the-art technologies and the most advanced techniques to maximize efficiency, performance and reliability. Its ability to survive engine cranks without computer reboots, small formfactor, jumperless configuration and very competitive price makes the sb-150d the premier solution for DC-DC ATX vehicle / car PC power supply solutions.
Нажмите на изображение для увеличения
Название: 150w_DC_DC_ATX_Automotive_Car_PC_Power_Supply.jpg
Просмотров: 434
Размер:	46.0 Кб
ID:	5254  
9922 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 17.01.2008, 00:29   #2
Старший Пользователь
Аватар для spburger
Регистрация: 16.08.2005
Город: СПб
Регион: 78, 98
Машина: 2004\Audi\A4
Сообщений: 413
spburger has a spectacular aura aboutspburger has a spectacular aura about
По умолчанию

Экзотика, Индия. При этом цены там на уровне забугорных же цен на типовые М1, М2.
Tracer CarPC: Voom, VIA Epia MII 12000, DDR 512Mb, Seagate 40Gb, M1-ATX 90W, Xenarc 700TSV, клава BTC 9116, мышь Logitech Media
ИК-управление: IRLink, Blaupunkt RC-9
Soft: CityGuide 2.3 CarPC, PocketGIS, MS AutoRoute, PC Navigator 7, OZI Explorer, WMP 10, inCar Terminal, Wanted CamGrabber, Franson GPSGate
spburger вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

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